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想必 (xiǎngbì) is a commonly used phrase in Chinese that conveys the meaning of "presumably, probably, in all likelihood, surely". It is often used to express a strong belief or assumption about something.
The first character 想 (xiǎng) means "to think" or "to believe", while the second character 必 (bì) means "certain" or "sure". Together, they form the phrase 想必 (xiǎngbì), which can be translated as "must think" or "must be certain".
想必 (xiǎngbì) is usually used in the beginning of a sentence, followed by a statement or a prediction. For example:
- 想必你已经知道了。(Xiǎngbì nǐ yǐjīng zhīdào le.) - Presumably, you already know.
- 他们想必会来参加。(Tāmen xiǎngbì huì lái cānjiā.) - They will probably come to participate.
- 想必这个消息已经传开了。(Xiǎngbì zhège xiāoxi yǐjīng chuán kāi le.) - Surely, this news has already spread.
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