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In daily conversation, 意愿 (yìyuàn) is often used to express one's aspirations, wishes, or desires. It can be used in both formal and informal settings.
Some common phrases using 意愿 (yìyuàn) include:
1. 实现意愿 (shíxiàn yìyuàn) - to fulfill one's wishes/aspirations
2. 表达意愿 (biǎodá yìyuàn) - to express one's wishes/desires
3. 违背意愿 (wéibèi yìyuàn) - against one's wishes
4. 顺从意愿 (shùncóng yìyuàn) - to comply with one's wishes
5. 共同的意愿 (gòngtóng de yìyuàn) - common wish/desire
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1. 有意愿 (yǒu yìyuàn) - to have the intention/willingness/desire
Example: 我有意愿学习中文。(Wǒ yǒu yìyuàn xuéxí zhōngwén.) - I have the intention to learn Chinese.
2. 意愿不强 (yìyuàn bù qiáng) - lack of motivation
Example: 他的意愿不强,所以学习成绩不好。(Tā de yìyuàn bù qiáng, suǒyǐ xuéxí chéngjì bù hǎo.) - He lacks motivation, so his grades are not good.
3. 意愿达成 (yìyuàn dáchéng) - to achieve one's goal/wish
Example: 我希望能够将我的意愿达成。(Wǒ xīwàng nénggòu jiāng wǒ de yìyuàn dáchéng.) - I hope to achieve my goal.
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