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结识 (jiéshí) is a verb that means "to get to know somebody, meet somebody for the first time, or make a friend." It is often used to describe the process of meeting and becoming acquainted with someone.
Example 1: 我很高兴能够结识你。(Wǒ hěn gāoxìng nénggòu jiéshí nǐ.) I am very happy to get to know you.
Example 2: 我是通过朋友结识他的。(Wǒ shì tōngguò péngyou jiéshí tā de.) I got to know him through a friend.
Example 3: 我希望能够结识更多的朋友。(Wǒ xīwàng nénggòu jiéshí gèng duō de péngyou.) I hope to get to know more friends.
Example 4: 他们在旅行中结识了彼此。(Tāmen zài lǚxíng zhōng jiéshí le bǐcǐ.) They got to know each other while traveling.
Example 5: 我很幸运能够结识这么多有趣的人。(Wǒ hěn xìngyùn nénggòu jiéshí zhème duō yǒuqù de rén.) I am lucky to have gotten to know so many interesting people.
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