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1. 我们全年都在努力工作,希望能取得好成绩。(Wǒmen quánnián dōu zài nǔlì gōngzuò, xīwàng néng qǔdé hǎo chéngjì.) - We have been working hard all year long, hoping to achieve good results.
2. 全年的气温都很稳定,适合旅游。(Quánnián de qìwēn dōu hěn wěndìng, shìhé lǚyóu.) - The temperature is stable throughout the year, making it suitable for traveling.
3. 全年的降雨量都集中在夏季。(Quánnián de jiàngyǔliàng dōu jízhōng zài xiàjì.) - The rainfall is concentrated in the summer throughout the year.
5. 全年的学习计划已经制定好了。(Quánnián de xuéxí jìhuà yǐjīng zhìdìng hǎo le.) - The study plan for the whole year has been set.
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1. 整年 (zhěngnián): This literally means "whole year" and is used to refer to the entire duration of a year.
2. 一年 (yīnián): This literally means "one year" and is used to refer to the entire duration of a year.
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