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挽回 (wǎnhuí) is a formal word. It is used to refer to the act of retrieving or redeeming something, usually in a figurative sense. It is often used in the context of relationships, such as when someone is trying to "retrieve" or "redeem" a relationship that has gone wrong.
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1. 我们必须想办法挽回这笔损失。(Wǒmen bìxū xiǎng bànfǎ wǎnhuí zhè bǐ sǔnshī.) - We must find a way to retrieve this loss.
2. 他努力挽回他妻子的心。(Tā nǔlì wǎnhuí tā qīzi de xīn.) - He is trying to redeem his wife's heart.
3. 挽回一段破裂的关系并不容易。(Wǎnhuí yī duàn pòliè de guānxì bìng bù róngyì.) - It's not easy to retrieve a broken relationship.
4. 他的诚意挽回了他们之间的友谊。(Tā de chéngyì wǎnhuíle tāmen zhījiān de yǒuyì.) - His sincerity redeemed their friendship.
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1. 恢复 (huīfù) - to restore, recover
2. 挽救 (wǎnjiù) - to save, rescue
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