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The phrase 与世无争 (yǔ shì wú zhēng) can be used to describe someone who is not involved in the hustle and bustle of the world, and instead chooses to live a more peaceful and secluded life. For example, one could say: 他与世无争,他喜欢安静的生活 (Tā yǔ shì wú zhēng, tā xǐhuan ānjìng de shēnghuó; He stands aloof from the worldly affairs, he likes a quiet life).
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"与世无争" (yǔ shì wú zhēng) can be used to describe a person who is not interested in worldly affairs and is content with their own life. It can also be used to describe someone who is not affected by the opinions of others and is able to remain independent and impartial. It can also be used to describe someone who is not swayed by material possessions and is content with what they have. Additionally, it can be used to describe someone who is not concerned with fame and fortune and is content with their own accomplishments.
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The meaning of “与世无争” (yǔ shì wú zhēng) can change depending on the situation. Generally, it means to “stand aloof from the worldly affairs”, but it can also mean to “not compete with the world” or “not strive for worldly success”. For example, if someone is talking about a person who is content with their life and does not strive for more, they might say “他与世无争,很满足” (tā yǔ shì wú zhēng, hěn mǎn zú), which means “He stands aloof from the worldly affairs and is very content.”
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