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借给 (jiè gěi) means "lend to" in English. It is a combination of the verb 借 (jiè), meaning "to borrow" and the preposition 给 (gěi), meaning "to". Together, they form the phrase 借给 (jiè gěi), which specifically refers to the action of lending something to someone.
Here are some examples of how to use 借给 (jiè gěi) in a sentence:
1. 我可以借给你一本书吗?(Wǒ kěyǐ jiè gěi nǐ yī běn shū ma?) - Can I lend you a book?
2. 他借给我一百块钱。(Tā jiè gěi wǒ yī bǎi kuài qián.) - He lent me 100 yuan.
3. 我想借给你我的自行车。(Wǒ xiǎng jiè gěi nǐ wǒ de zìxíngchē.) - I want to lend you my bicycle.
4. 她借给我她的笔记本电脑。(Tā jiè gěi wǒ tā de bǐjìběn diànnǎo.) - She lent me her laptop.
5. 我们可以借给你一些钱。(Wǒmen kěyǐ jiè gěi nǐ yīxiē qián.) - We can lend you some money.
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