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The appropriate context to use 气死 (qìsǐ) is when someone is extremely angry or frustrated to the point of feeling like they could die from it. This expression is often used in a joking or exaggerated manner to convey the intensity of one's anger.
For example, if someone is stuck in traffic and running late for an important meeting, they might say "我快被气死了!" (Wǒ kuài bèi qìsǐ le!) which translates to "I'm about to die from anger!" This conveys the person's frustration and impatience with the situation.
Another example could be when someone receives a large bill unexpectedly, they might exclaim "这么贵?气死我了!" (Zhème guì? Qìsǐ wǒ le!) which means "So expensive? It's making me die from anger!" This shows the person's shock and anger at the high cost.
In both of these examples, 气死 (qìsǐ) is used to emphasize the intensity of the person's anger and frustration. It is often used in informal situations among friends or family members.
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