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1. 我的肛门疼痛,可能是因为便秘。(Wǒ de gāngmén téngtòng, kěnéng shì yīnwèi biànmì.) - My anus is hurting, it might be because of constipation.
2. 他因为肛门出血而去看医生。(Tā yīnwèi gāngmén chūxiě ér qù kàn yīshēng.) - He went to see a doctor because of bleeding from his anus.
3. 肛门肌肉的收缩帮助控制排便。(Gāngmén jīròu de shōusuō bāngzhù kòngzhì páibiàn.) - The contraction of the muscles around the anus helps control bowel movements.
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