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1. When discussing the origin of a certain phrase or saying, 由来 (yóulái) can be used to refer to the source of the phrase. For example, one might say “这句话的由来 (zhè jù huà de yóulái) 是什么?” (What is the origin of this phrase?)
2. When discussing the cause of a certain event, 由来 (yóulái) can be used to refer to the reason for the event. For example, one might say “这件事的由来 (zhè jiàn shì de yóulái) 是什么?” (What is the cause of this event?)
3. When discussing the source of a certain item, 由来 (yóulái) can be used to refer to the origin of the item. For example, one might say “这个物品的由来 (zhè gè wùpǐn de yóulái) 是什么?” (What is the source of this item?)
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Yes, there is a difference between 由来 (yóulái) and 出处 (chūchǔ). 由来 (yóulái) means "origin, source, or cause" and is used to refer to the origin of something, such as the origin of a custom or tradition. 出处 (chūchǔ) means "source, origin, or derivation" and is used to refer to the source of a quote, idea, or text.
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1. 起源 (qǐyuán): origin, source; the point at which something begins or is derived from.
2. 根源 (gēnyuán): root, source; the origin or cause of something.
3. 来源 (láiyuán): source; the place or person from which something comes.
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