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出货 (chū huò) is a verb that means "to manufacture, to produce goods; take goods out of the warehouse" in Chinese. It is pronounced as "chū huò" with the first tone on both characters.
Here are some examples of how 出货 (chū huò) can be used in a sentence:
1. 我们的工厂每天都会出货,保证客户能够及时收到产品。(Wǒmen de gōngchǎng měitiān dōuhuì chū huò, bǎozhèng kèhù nénggòu jíshí shōudào chǎnpǐn.) - Our factory ships out goods every day to ensure that our customers receive the products on time.
2. 为了满足市场需求,我们需要加快出货的速度。(Wèile mǎnzú shìchǎng xūqiú, wǒmen xūyào jiākuài chū huò de sùdù.) - In order to meet the market demand, we need to speed up the production and shipment of goods.
3. 这家公司的出货量比去年同期增加了百分之二十。(Zhè jiā gōngsī de chū huò liàng bǐ qùnián tóngqī zēngjiā le bǎifēnzhī èrshí.) - This company's shipment volume has increased by 20% compared to the same period last year.
4. 请确保所有出货的产品都经过严格的质量检查。(Qǐng quèbǎo suǒyǒu chū huò de chǎnpǐn dōu jīngguò yángé de zhìliàng jiǎnchá.) - Please make sure that all the products shipped out have undergone strict quality inspection.
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