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附上 (fùshàng) is not commonly used in everyday conversation. It is mainly used in formal contexts, such as in business emails or letters, to indicate that something is enclosed with the message. For example, a business email might say "请查收附上的文件 (qǐng cháshōu fùshàng de wénjiàn) - Please find the enclosed file". In informal contexts, it is more common to use words such as 附带 (fùdài) instead.
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1. 附带 (fùdài) - This word can also mean "enclosed" or "attached", and is often used in formal or business contexts to indicate that something is included with a document or package.
2. 附录 (fùlù) - This word means "appendix" or "supplement", and can be used to refer to additional information or documents that are attached to a main document.
3. 附注 (fùzhù) - This word means "note" or "annotation", and can be used to indicate that a note or comment is attached to a document.
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