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扫地 and 扫扫地 are both correct. There is not so-called "nicer" way to say it.
About reduplication of verbs: when we reduplicate a verb, e.g. 扫扫地, there may be a few different implications compared to when we do not reduplicate it, depending on the context:
1. The reduplication of a verb indicates a quick and short action;
2. The reduplication of a verb expresses a trial or an attempt;
3. The reduplication of a verb expresses a sense of being relaxed and light.
So 扫地 and 扫扫地 are still slightly different.
There are certain situations where you can only use 扫地. For example when you list a number of housework:
E.g. 扫地,洗碗,吸尘等都属于基本家务。Sweeping the floor, washing dishes, vacuuming, etc. are all basic housework.
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The phrase 扫地 (sǎo dì) is often used to describe a situation in which someone has been completely humiliated or has lost all of their credibility or honor. For example, one might say, "他的声誉扫地了,没有人再相信他了" (Tā de shēngyù sǎo dì le, méiyǒu rén zài xiāngxìn tā le; His reputation has been completely destroyed, no one believes him anymore).
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