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The phrase "用不上" (yòng bú shàng) means "not useful" or "of no use" has been added. Updates are available online on our website, they will appear in the app with the next update.
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好用 (hǎoyòng) is commonly used in Mandarin Chinese to describe something that is useful, serviceable, effective, handy, or easy to use. It can be used to describe a wide range of objects, such as tools, appliances, software, or even ideas or strategies.
For example:
- 这个手机很好用。(Zhège shǒujī hěn hǎoyòng.) This phone is very useful.
- 这个软件非常好用。(Zhège ruǎnjiàn fēicháng hǎoyòng.) This software is extremely handy.
- 这把刀很好用,很锋利。(Zhè bǎ dāo hěn hǎoyòng, hěn fēnglì.) This knife is very effective and sharp.
- 这个方法很好用,可以帮助你解决问题。(Zhège fāngfǎ hěn hǎoyòng, kěyǐ bāngzhù nǐ jiějué wèntí.) This method is very useful and can help you solve problems.
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