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我需要在出境前报关。(Wǒ xūyào zài chūjìng qián bàoguān.) - I need to declare at customs before leaving the country.
报关是进出口贸易必须要做的程序。(Bàoguān shì jìnchūkǒu màoyì bìxū yào zuò de chéngxù.) - Customs declaration is a necessary procedure for import and export trade.
我需要填写报关单。(Wǒ xūyào tiánxiě bàoguān dān.) - I need to fill out the customs declaration form.
报关费用由进口商承担。(Bàoguān fèiyòng yóu jìnkǒu shāng chéngdān.) - The customs declaration fees are borne by the importer.
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