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1. Describing a large and powerful army or military force: 浩浩荡荡的军队 (hào hào dàng dàng de jūn duì)
2. Depicting a grand and majestic scene: 浩浩荡荡的景象 (hào hào dàng dàng de jǐng xiàng)
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1. 宏大壮观 (hóng dà zhuàng guān): This phrase literally translates to "grand and magnificent", and is used to describe something that is vast and impressive.
2. 宏伟壮丽 (hóng wěi zhuàng lì): This phrase literally translates to "grand and beautiful", and is used to describe something that is grand and majestic.
3. 宏大壮丽 (hóng dà zhuàng lì): This phrase literally translates to "grand and majestic", and is used to describe something that is grand and awe-inspiring.
4. 宏伟壮观 (hóng wěi zhuàng guān): This phrase literally translates to "grand and spectacular", and is used to describe something that is grand and impressive.
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