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按照 and 根据 are usually followed by "custom, accepted practice, rules, policies, laws, principles, etc."
按照 is when you follow it strictly step by step and apply it without any judgment; 根据 is when there's a certain level of assessment and judgment involved, before you apply it to practice.
In a lot of cases these two words are interchangeable, depending on what you want to emphasize.
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根据 (gēnjù) and 依据 (yījù) both mean "according to, based on; basis, support, evidence". The difference between the two is that 根据 (gēnjù) implies that the basis or evidence is more concrete and reliable, while 依据 (yījù) implies that the basis or evidence is more circumstantial or circumstantially derived.
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根据 (gēnjù) is commonly used to refer to the basis or evidence for a statement or action. For example, 他们的决定是根据 (gēnjù) 他们的研究结果而做出的 (tāmen de juédìng shì gēnjù tāmen de yánjiū jiéguǒ ér zuò chū de) - "Their decision was made based on their research results".
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