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In everyday conversation, 车水马龙 (chēshuǐmǎlóng) is often used to describe heavy traffic on the streets. It can be used in a literal sense, to describe a scene where there are many cars and horses moving in a continuous stream, or it can be used figuratively to describe a situation where there are a lot of vehicles on the road, causing congestion and delays.
今天路上车水马龙,我迟到了。 (jīntiān lùshàng chēshuǐmǎlóng, wǒ chídào le) - There was heavy traffic on the road today, I'm running late.
这条街上车水马龙,很难找到停车位。 (zhè tiáo jiēshàng chēshuǐmǎlóng, hěn nán zhǎodào tíngchē wèi) - This street is so crowded, it's hard to find a parking spot.
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