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科技 (kē jì) is a general term used to describe science and technology. It is a combination of two Chinese characters, 科 (kē) meaning "science" and 技 (jì) meaning "technology". It is used to refer to the application of scientific knowledge for practical purposes, such as in the development of new products or services. It can also refer to the use of technology to improve existing products or services.
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科技 (kē jì) is typically used in a sentence to refer to the field of science and technology. It can also be used to describe the advancements and innovations in this field.
Example 1: 这个国家的科技发展迅速,吸引了许多国际投资者。(zhè gè guó jiā de kē jì fā zhǎn xùn sù, xī yǐn le xǔ duō guó jì tóu zī zhě.) Translation: This country's science and technology has developed rapidly, attracting many international investors.
Example 2: 科技的进步改变了我们的生活方式。(kē jì de jìn bù gǎi biàn le wǒ men de shēng huó fāng shì.) Translation: The advancements in science and technology have changed our way of life.
Example 3: 这个公司致力于推动科技创新,为社会带来更多的便利。(zhè gè gōng sī zhì lì yú tuī dòng kē jì chuàng xīn, wèi shè huì dài lái gèng duō de biàn lì.) Translation: This company is dedicated to promoting innovation in science and technology, bringing more convenience to society.
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1. 科技发展 (kē jì fā zhǎn) - development of science and technology
2. 科技创新 (kē jì chuàng xīn) - technological innovation
3. 科技进步 (kē jì jìn bù) - scientific and technological progress
4. 科技领域 (kē jì lǐng yù) - field of science and technology
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