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In everyday conversation, 医学 (yīxué) is used to refer to the field of medical science and medicine. For example, someone might say: “我想学习医学,所以我正在申请医学院 (Wǒ xiǎng xuéxí yīxué, suǒyǐ wǒ zhèngzài shēnqǐng yīxuéyuàn)” which translates to “I want to study medicine, so I am applying to medical school.”
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It is appropriate to use 医学 (yīxué) in a sentence when discussing topics related to medical science or medicine. This term can be used in both formal and informal contexts.
1. 我对医学非常感兴趣,所以我决定要成为一名医生。(Wǒ duì yīxué fēicháng gǎn xìngqù, suǒyǐ wǒ juédìng yào chéngwéi yī míng yīshēng.) - I am very interested in medical science, so I have decided to become a doctor.
2. 这本书是一部关于中医学的著作。(Zhè běn shū shì yī bù guānyú zhōng yīxué de zhùzuò.) - This book is a work about traditional Chinese medicine.
3. 医学的发展使得许多疾病都可以得到有效的治疗。(Yīxué de fāzhǎn shǐdé xǔduō jíbìng dōu kěyǐ dédào yǒuxiào de zhìliáo.) - The development of medical science has made it possible to effectively treat many diseases.
4. 我们需要更多的资金来支持医学研究。(Wǒmen xūyào gèng duō de zījīn lái zhīchí yīxué yánjiū.) - We need more funding to support medical research.
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