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Hi, Thank you for the comment! We have corrected this entry to 缘分. Please note that correct version is 缘分, not 缘份。
We have added the suggested phrase to our dictionary:
能在这儿见到您,可真是有缘分啊。 [phr] Being able to meet you (respectful form) here, it's really fate.
他跟我能在这种地方重逢,可能不是普通的缘分。 [phr] He and I can meet again in this kind of place, meaning that it may not be ordinary fate.
你以为缘分这么简单吗?[phr] You think destiny is that simple? (rhetorical question)
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缘分 (yuánfèn) is a commonly used term in everyday conversation in Chinese culture. It refers to the idea that certain people are destined to meet and have a connection with each other, whether it be romantic, friendship, or any other type of relationship. It is often seen as a force that brings people together and plays a significant role in shaping one's life.
In everyday conversation, 缘分 (yuánfèn) is often used to describe a strong and unexplainable connection between two people. For example, if two people meet and instantly hit it off, they may say "我们有缘分 (wǒmen yǒu yuánfèn)," meaning "we have a strong connection/fate."
It can also be used to describe a missed opportunity or a relationship that did not work out. For instance, if someone is reminiscing about a past love, they may say "我们的缘分尽了 (wǒmen de yuánfèn jìnle)," meaning "our fate/relationship has come to an end."
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