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The word 请 (qǐng) is typically used in conversation to make a polite request or to invite someone to do something. It is often used in the form of a question, such as "请问 (qǐngwèn)?" which means "May I ask...?". It can also be used to politely ask someone to do something, such as "请你帮我 (qǐng nǐ bāng wǒ)" which means "Please help me".
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Alternative words or phrases that can be used instead of 请 (qǐng) include 邀请 (yāoqǐng) meaning "invite".
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It is appropriate to use 请 (qǐng) when making a request or asking someone to do something. For example, when asking someone to help you with a task, you can say "请你帮我一下" (qǐng nǐ bāng wǒ yīxià). It is also appropriate to use 请 (qǐng) when inviting someone to an event or activity. For example, when inviting someone to a party, you can say "请你来参加我们的聚会" (qǐng nǐ lái cānjiā wǒmen de jùhuì).
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