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The grammatical structure of 发狂 (fā kuáng) when used in a sentence is a verb-object construction. 发 (fā) is the verb meaning "to send out" or "to emit," while 狂 (kuáng) is the object meaning "madness" or "insanity." Together, they form the verb 发狂 (fā kuáng) meaning "to go crazy" or "to go mad."
Example sentence using 发狂 as a verb-object construction:
他发狂了 (tā fā kuáng le) - He went crazy.
Example sentence using 发狂 as an attributive modifier:
发狂的人 (fā kuáng de rén) - a crazy person
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1. 疯狂 (fēng kuáng): "go crazy, go mad"
2. 狂热 (kuáng rè): "go wild, go fanatical"
3. 狂暴 (kuáng bào): "go berserk, go violent"
4. 狂乱 (kuáng luàn): "go wild, go frantic"
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