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原料 (yuánliào) refers to raw materials or ingredients used in the production of goods or food. It can also refer to the basic components or elements of something.
Example 1: 这家工厂使用的原料都是来自当地的农产品。(Zhè jiā gōngchǎng shǐyòng de yuánliào dōu shì láizì dāngdì de nóngchǎnpǐn.) The raw materials used in this factory are all from local agricultural products.
Example 2: 这道菜的原料包括肉类、蔬菜和调味料。(Zhè dào cài de yuánliào bāokuò ròulèi, shūcài hé tiáowèiliào.) The ingredients for this dish include meat, vegetables, and seasonings.
Example 3: 这种产品的原料来源于天然植物,非常健康。(Zhè zhǒng chǎnpǐn de yuánliào láiyuán yú tiānrán zhíwù, fēicháng jiànkāng.) The raw materials for this product come from natural plants, making it very healthy.
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Yes, 材料 (cáiliào) can sometimes be substituted for 原料 (yuánliào), but they are not always interchangeable. 材料 typically refers to materials or ingredients used in a process, while 原料 specifically refers to raw materials that are processed to create products. Context matters when choosing which term to use."
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Some other words that have the same meaning as 原料 (yuánliào) are:
1. 材料 (cáiliào) - This word also means "raw material" and is often used in the context of construction or manufacturing. It can also refer to ingredients used in cooking or baking.
2. 原材料 (yuáncáiliào) - This is a compound word that combines 原 (yuán) meaning "original" or "primary" and 材料 (cáiliào) meaning "material." It has the same meaning as 原料 and is often used in a more formal or technical context.
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