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外科 (wàikē) is a Chinese word that refers to the surgical department or department of surgery in a hospital. It is composed of two characters: 外 (wài) meaning "outside" and 科 (kē) meaning "department". Together, they form the word 外科 (wàikē) which literally translates to "outside department".
Example 1:
我妈妈今天要去医院的外科做手术。(Wǒ māmā jīntiān yào qù yīyuàn de wàikē zuò shǒushù.)
My mother is going to the surgical department of the hospital for surgery today.
Example 2:
外科医生需要具备精湛的技术和耐心。(Wàikē yīshēng xūyào jùbèi jīngzhàn de jìshù hé nàixīn.)
Surgeons need to have excellent skills and patience.
Example 3:
外科手术通常需要在无菌环境下进行。(Wàikē shǒushù tōngcháng xūyào zài wújūn huánjìng xià jìnxíng.)
Surgical procedures usually need to be performed in a sterile environment.
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