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There is a similar expression with a different meaning to 从来不 (cónglái bù) in Chinese, which is 从不 (cón gbù).
从不 (cóng bù) means "never, not once" and is used to indicate that something has never happened or been done before. It is often used in a negative sentence to emphasize the lack of occurrence. For example, "我从不吃早饭" (wǒ cóng bù chī zǎofàn) means "I never eat breakfast."
On the other hand, 从来不 (cónglái bù) means "never ever, never... at all" and is used to emphasize that something has never happened or been done in the past and will not happen in the future. It is often used to express a strong sense of permanence.
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从来不 (cóngláibù) is commonly used to express the idea of "never ever, never... at all". It is usually used in negative sentences to emphasize that something has never happened or will never happen. For example:
他从来不抽烟 (Tā cóngláibù chōuyān) - He never smokes.
他从来不拖延 (Tā cóngláibù tuōyán) - He never procrastinates.
他从来不放弃 (Tā cóngláibù fàngqì) - He never gives up.
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