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The phrase 来过 (lái guò) is commonly used in everyday conversation in Chinese. It is used to indicate that someone has been to a certain place before. The pronunciation of this phrase is "lái guò", with the first tone on both characters.
For example, if someone asks "你来过这里吗?" (nǐ lái guò zhè lǐ ma?) which means "Have you been here before?", the response could be "是的,我来过。" (shì de, wǒ lái guò.) meaning "Yes, I have been here before."
This phrase is often used when talking about travel experiences or when discussing places that someone has visited. It can also be used to ask for recommendations or advice from someone who has been to a certain place before.
In terms of frequency, 来过 (lái guò) is used quite often in everyday conversation, especially in informal settings. It is a simple and common phrase that is easy to use and understand.
Other similar phrases that can be used in place of 来过 (lái guò) include 去过 (qù guò) which means "have gone to (some place)" and 去过一次 (qù guò yí cì) which means "have been to (some place) once". These phrases are also commonly used in everyday conversation.
Overall, 来过 (lái guò) is a useful and commonly used phrase in Chinese that can help express past experiences and travel experiences.
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