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You can use "好的 (hǎo de) - OK, no problem, alright" by itself as a sentence: This is a common sentence used to express agreement or acceptance. It is often used as a response to a request or suggestion.
Or, you can say:
1. 好的,我明白 (hǎo de, wǒ míngbái) - "OK, I understand": This is a common phrase used to indicate that one has understood the request or suggestion.
2. 好的,我会做的 (hǎo de, wǒ huì zuò de) - "OK, I will do it": This is a common phrase used to indicate that one will comply with the request or suggestion.
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Yes, 好滴 is widely used in an informal way on the Internet as an endearing or cute way to say 好的.
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1. 行 (xíng): OK
2. 没问题 (méi wèn tí): No problem
1. 不行 (bù xíng): It's not OK
2. 不可以 (bù kě yǐ): It's not allowed
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