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Yes, you can use 什么东西 (shénme dōngxi) in both formal and informal contexts. It is a commonly used phrase in Mandarin Chinese that can have multiple meanings depending on the context.
1. "What" - In informal contexts, 什么东西 can be used as a question word to ask about something that is not clear or unknown. For example, 你在找什么东西?(Nǐ zài zhǎo shénme dōngxi?) - What are you looking for?
2. "What is it" - In formal contexts, 什么东西 can be used as a polite way to ask for clarification or more information about something. For example, 请问这是什么东西?(Qǐngwèn zhè shì shénme dōngxi?) - Excuse me, what is this?
3. "Everything" - In informal contexts, 什么东西 can also be used to refer to everything or anything in general. For example, 我什么东西都不想要。(Wǒ shénme dōngxi dōu bù xiǎng yào.) - I don't want to do anything.
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