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We have added the suggested phrase to our dictionary:
- 移动支付 / 移動支付 [yi2 dong4 zhi1 fu4] , (phr) mobile payment
Updates are available online on our website; they will appear in the app with the next update.
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1. 付款 (fùkuǎn): to pay money, to make payment
2. 打款 (dǎkuǎn): to transfer money
3. 报销 (bàoxiāo): to reimburse
4. 投入 (tóurù): to invest, to put in
5. 报价 (bàojià): to quote a price
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支付 (zhīfù) is used to indicate the action of paying for something. For example, 支付账单 (zhīfù zhàngdān) means "pay the bill".
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