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汤面是很受欢迎的中国菜。(Tāngmiàn shì hěn shòu huānyíng de zhōngguó cài.) - Noodle soup is a very popular Chinese dish.
我喜欢在汤面里加入一些青菜和肉片。(Wǒ xǐhuān zài tāngmiàn lǐ jiārù yīxiē qīngcài.) - I like to add some vegetables to my noodle soup.
我最喜欢的汤面是酸辣汤面。(Wǒ zuì xǐhuan de tāngmiàn shì suān là tāngmiàn.) - My favorite noodle soup is the spicy and sour noodle soup.
汤面可以用不同的面条来做,比如手工拉面、米线等。(Tāngmiàn kěyǐ yòng bùtóng de miàntiáo lái zuò, bǐrú shǒugōng lāmiàn, mǐxiàn děng.) - Noodle soup can be made with different types of noodles, such as hand-pulled noodles, rice noodles, etc.
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