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好不好 (hǎo bù hǎo) is used to ask if something is acceptable or satisfactory. For example, when asking someone if they are okay with a certain plan or decision, you could say 好不好 (hǎo bù hǎo). It can also be used to ask if someone is feeling alright, as in 你好不好 (nǐ hǎo bù hǎo) which means "Are you okay?".
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行不行 (xíng bù xíng): "okay or not?"; "will it work?"
可不可以 (kě bù kě yǐ): "can or can't?"; "is it allowed?"
可行不可行 (kě xíng bù kě xíng): "feasible or not?"; "is it doable?"
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