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号 (hào) is commonly used in a sentence to indicate a date or day of the month. It is pronounced as "hào rì" in Mandarin Chinese.
For example:
1. 今天是几号?(Jīntiān shì jǐ hào?) - What is the date today?
2. 我的生日是十二月十号。(Wǒ de shēngrì shì shí'èr yuè shí hào.) - My birthday is on the 10th of December.
3. 请问明天是几号?(Qǐngwèn míngtiān shì jǐ hào?) - May I ask what date is tomorrow?
4. 我们的会议定在十月二十号。(Wǒmen de huìyì dìng zài shí yuè èrshí hào.) - Our meeting is scheduled for the 20th of October.
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