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Hi! This word is pretty straightforward. We just added more examples. To access them you will need to login using our website. Thank you very much! And let me know if you have other questions.
The Chinese character 大 (dà) can be used in many sentences, as it means "big" or "large". Here are some examples:
- 我的房间很大。(Wǒ de fángjiān hěn dà.) - My room is very big.
- 这个水果很大。(Zhège shuǐguǒ hěn dà.) - This fruit is very large.
- 大家好!(Dàjiā hǎo!) - Hello everyone!
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The word "大" (dà) is used to describe something that is big, large, or huge. It can be used to describe physical size, such as "这个房子很大" (zhège fángzi hěn dà; This house is big), or it can be used to describe abstract concepts indicating the degree, severity or extent of something, such as "这个问题很大" (zhège wèntí hěn dà; This problem is big).
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1. 巨大 (jùdà) - meaning "gigantic, immense"
2. 庞大 (pángdà) - meaning "enormous, vast"
3. 广大 (guǎngdà) - meaning "vast, extensive"
4. 宽广 (kuānguǎng) - meaning "wide, spacious"
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