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菜心 (càixīn) refers to the heart or innermost part of a cabbage, round lettuce, or other similar vegetables. It is often used in Chinese cuisine as a popular ingredient in stir-fries, soups, and other dishes.
Example 1: 我今天做炒菜心,简单又美味。(Wǒ jīntiān zuò chǎo càixīn, jiǎndān yòu měiwèi.) Translation: The dish I made today is stir-fried càixīn, very simple and delicious.
Example 2: 这道菜的主要原料是菜心和鸡肉。(Zhè dào cài de zhǔyào yuánliào shì càixīn hé jīròu.) Translation: The main ingredients of this dish are càixīn and chicken.
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