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The difference between 犯错误 (fàn cuòwù) and 犯了错误 (fàn le cuòwù) is that the former is used to describe a general action of making a mistake, while the latter is used to describe a specific instance of making a mistake. 犯错误 (fàn cuòwù) is used to describe a habitual action, while 犯了错误 (fàn le cuòwù) is used to describe a single event. For example, one could say "他犯错误 (tā fàn cuòwù)" to mean "He makes mistakes" or "He is prone to making mistakes", while one could say "他犯了错误 (tā fàn le cuòwù)" to mean "He made a mistake".
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犯错 (fàncuò) - "make a mistake"
出错 (chūcuò) - "make a mistake"
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