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"我吃素" (wǒ chī sù) is a common phrase used to express that someone is a vegetarian or only eats vegetarian foods. It can be used in a variety of contexts, such as when ordering food at a restaurant or explaining dietary restrictions to others.
For example:
- 我吃素,不吃肉。(wǒ chī sù, bù chī ròu) - "I am a vegetarian, and (I) don't eat meat."
- 我的朋友是素食主义者,她每天都吃素。(wǒ de péng you shì sù shí zhǔ yì zhě, tā měi tiān dōu chī sù) - "My friend is a vegetarian, she eats only vegetarian food every day."
- 我吃素已经有五年了。(wǒ chī sù yǐ jīng yǒu wǔ nián le) - "I have been a vegetarian for five years."
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