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1. 付款 (fù kuǎn) - This is a more formal synonym for 交钱, and it specifically refers to making a payment or settling a bill.
2. 付费 (fù fèi) - This is another synonym for "to pay," but it is often used in the context of paying for a service or product.
3. 付钱 (fù qián) - This is a more colloquial way of saying "to pay," and it is commonly used in everyday conversations.
4. 付账 (fù zhàng) - This phrase specifically refers to settling a bill or paying for expenses.
5. 交费 (jiāo fèi) - This word is similar to 交钱, but it is often used in the context of paying for membership fees, tuition, or other regular payments.
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交钱 (jiāo qián) means "to pay" in English. It is a verb that is commonly used in everyday conversations and transactions. The first character 交 (jiāo) means "to hand over" or "to give", while the second character 钱 (qián) means "money". Together, they form the phrase 交钱 (jiāo qián) which literally translates to "hand over money".
Here are some examples of how 交钱 (jiāo qián) can be used in a sentence:
1. 我们必须在今天交钱才能拿到货物。(Wǒmen bìxū zài jīntiān jiāo qián cáinéng ná dào huòwù.) - We have to pay today in order to receive the goods.
2. 请问这件衣服多少钱?(Qǐngwèn zhè jiàn yīfu duōshǎo qián?) - Excuse me, how much is this piece of clothing?
3. 明天是交房租的最后日期。(Míngtiān shì jiāo fángzū de zuìhòu rìqī.) - Tomorrow is the last day to pay the rent.
4. 他忘记交钱了,所以被罚款了。(Tā wàngjì jiāo qián le, suǒyǐ bèi fákuǎn le.) - He forgot to pay, so he was fined.
5. 我们可以用支付宝交钱吗?(Wǒmen kěyǐ yòng zhīfùbǎo jiāo qián ma?) - Can we pay with Alipay?
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