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The usage of 相提并论 (xiāng tí bìng lùn) differs from other similar words in that it implies a comparison between two things, usually of equal or similar status. It is often used to express admiration or respect for someone or something, as it implies that the two things being compared are of equal or similar status.
For example, 相提并论 (xiāng tí bìng lùn) can be used to express admiration for someone, such as saying "他的技术可以和专家相提并论 (tā de jìshù kěyǐ hé zhuānjiā xiāng tí bìng lùn) - His skills can be compared with those of an expert".
Other similar words such as 比较 (bǐjiào) and 比作 (bǐzuò) can also be used to compare two things, but they do not necessarily imply admiration or respect for the two things being compared. For example, 比较 (bǐjiào) can be used to compare two things in a neutral way, such as saying "这两个产品比较 (zhè liǎng gè chǎnpǐn bǐjiào) - These two products are compared".
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