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Yes, there is a difference in meaning between 牛 (niú) and 公牛 (gōngniú). Both words can be translated as "cow" in English, but they have different connotations and usage.
牛 (niú) is a general term for cattle or bovine animals, including both male and female cows. It can also refer to the meat of cattle. This word is commonly used in everyday language and is not specific to any gender.
公牛 (gōngniú), on the other hand, specifically refers to a male cow or bull. The character 公 (gōng) means "male" or "masculine", so 公牛 (gōngniú) can be translated as "male cow" or "bull". This word is more formal and is often used in scientific or agricultural contexts.
我家养了一头牛。(Wǒ jiā yǎngle yī tóu niú.) - My family raises a cow.
这个农场有很多公牛。(Zhègè nóngchǎng yǒu hěnduō gōngniú.) - This farm has many bulls.
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