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往前走 (wǎng qián zǒu) means "go ahead" or "move forward" in English. It is often used as a command or instruction to someone to continue moving in a forward direction.
Example 1: 往前走一点,就能看到那座大桥。(Wǎng qián zǒu yīdiǎn, jiù néng kàn dào nà zuò dàqiáo.) If you go ahead a little bit, you will be able to see that big bridge.
In this example, 往前走 is used to indicate a specific direction or location to move towards. It can also be used in a more general sense to encourage someone to keep moving forward or to continue with a task or plan.
Example 2: 我们要往前走,不要放弃。(Wǒmen yào wǎng qián zǒu, bùyào fàngqì.) We need to keep moving forward and not give up.
In this example, 往前走 is used to convey a sense of determination and perseverance. It can also be used to encourage someone to take action and move towards their goals or aspirations.
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