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洗衣粉 (xǐyīfěn) is a noun that refers to "washing powder" in English. It is commonly used in Chinese households for doing laundry.
Example 1: 我今天去超市买了一包洗衣粉。(Wǒ jīntiān qù chāoshì mǎi le yī bāo xǐyīfěn.) Translation: I went to the supermarket today and bought a pack of washing powder.
Example 2: 这种洗衣粉很容易溶解在水中。(Zhè zhǒng xǐyīfěn hěn róngyì róngjiě zài shuǐ zhōng.) Translation: This type of washing powder dissolves easily in water.
Example 3: 洗衣粉的功效是清洁衣物并去除污渍。(Xǐyīfěn de gōngxiào shì qīngjié yīwù bìng qùchú wūzì.) Translation: The function of washing powder is to clean clothes and remove stains.
Example 4: 这种洗衣粉有淡淡的花香味。(Zhè zhǒng xǐyīfěn yǒu dàn dàn de huā xiāngwèi.) Translation: This type of washing powder has a light floral scent.
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