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In conversation, 刷新 (shuā xīn) is typically used to refer to the act of refurbishing or refreshing something. It can be used in a variety of contexts, such as:
1. Refreshing or updating information: 刷新 (shuā xīn) can also be used to describe the act of refreshing or updating information, such as on a computer or phone. For example, someone might say 我需要刷新一下这个网页 (wǒ xūyào shuā xīn yíxià zhège wǎngyè) which means "I need to refresh this webpage."
2. Renewing or revitalizing something: 刷新 (shuā xīn) can also be used to describe the act of renewing or revitalizing something, such as a friendship or a routine. For example, someone might say 我们需要刷新一下我们的友谊 (wǒmen xūyào shuā xīn yíxià wǒmen de yǒuyì) which means "We need to refresh our friendship."
3. Setting a new record: 刷新 (shuā xīn) can also be used to describe the act of setting a new record or breaking a previous record. For example, someone might say 他刷新了比赛的最佳成绩 (tā shuā xīnle bǐsài de zuìjiā chéngjì) which means "He set a new record for the best performance in the competition."
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