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jí shǐ ..., yě ...
conj. even if..., (still)...
Discussion of 使...,...
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即使 is used in the first concessive clause to raise an extreme supposition. The correlative adverb 也 is used in the next class to explain the result. 也 must be put after the subject and before the predicate of the clause, the usual place for an adverb. For example:
Example 1a. 即使下雨,我也要去爬山。 [phr] Even if it rains, I will still (I still want to) go climb the mountain.
Example 2a. 即使是白天,山里面也非常幽静。 [phr] It is quiet inside the mountain even in the daytime.

Sometimes, 也 can be used alone in such a sentence. Example 1b and 2b below are contracted sentences. They are in the form of simple sentences, but express the meaning of a complex sentence:
Example 1b. 下雨我也要去爬山。 [phr] (Even if) it rains, I will still (I still want to) go climb the mountain.
Example 2b. 白天山里面也非常幽静。 [phr] It is quiet inside the mountain (even) in the daytime.

In this structure, 即使 can be replaced by 就是, but please note that 就是 is more informal, usually used in speaking, while 即使 is used in writing.
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