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1. 调和 (tiáohé) - to reconcile, to balance, to harmonize
2. 协同 (xiétóng) - to cooperate, to work together
3. 协作 (xiézuò) - to collaborate, to work in coordination
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1. 我们需要协调各个部门的工作。(Wǒmen xūyào xiétiáo gègè bùmén de gōngzuò.) - We need to coordinate the work of each department.
2. 这个计划需要协调所有的资源。(Zhège jìhuà xūyào xiétiáo suǒyǒu de zīyuán.) - This plan requires the coordination of all resources.
3. 这种颜色和那种颜色不太协调。(Zhè zhǒng yánsè hé nà zhǒng yánsè bù tài xiétiáo.) - These colors do not blend well with those colors.
4. 这个设计师擅长协调不同的元素。(Zhège shèjìshī shàncháng xiétiáo bùtóng de yuánsù.) - This designer is good at coordinating different elements.
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