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Yes, there is a slight difference in meaning and usage between 跟从 (gēn cóng) and 跟随 (gēn suí).
跟从 (gēn cóng) is often used to indicate following someone or something in a more active and deliberate manner. It implies willingly obeying or complying with someone's instructions or guidance. For example, 跟从老师学习 (gēn cóng lǎo shī xué xí) means "to learn by following the teacher's instructions."
跟随 (gēn suí) is used to indicate following someone or something in a more passive or natural manner. It implies following without resistance or questioning. For example, 跟随队伍前进 (gēn suí duì wǔ qián jìn) means "to advance with the team."
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