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One possible way to use 交易会 (jiāoyìhuì) in a sentence is: 我每年都会参加这个城市的国际交易会。(Wǒ měinián cānjiā zhège chéngshì de guójì jiāoyìhuì.) Translation: I attend the international trade fair in this city every year.
In this sentence, 交易会 (jiāoyìhuì) is used to refer to a large-scale event where businesses and organizations gather to showcase and promote their products and services. It can also be translated as "trade show" or "expo."
Some other examples of using 交易会 (jiāoyìhuì) in a sentence are:
- 这个交易会吸引了来自世界各地的参展商。(Zhège jiāoyìhuì xīyǐn le láizì shìjiè gèdì de cānzhǎnshāng.) - This trade fair attracts exhibitors from all over the world.
- 我们公司将在下个月的交易会上展示我们的最新产品。(Wǒmen gōngsī jiāng zài xià gè yuè de jiāoyìhuì shàng zhǎnshì wǒmen de zuìxīn chǎnpǐn.) - Our company will showcase our latest products at next month's trade fair.
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