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定期 (dìngqī) is commonly used in everyday conversation to refer to something that occurs at regular intervals or on a periodic basis. It can also be used to describe a scheduled or routine activity.
For example, you might say "我每个月定期去理发店剪头发" (wǒ měi gè yuè dìngqī qù lǐfà diàn jiǎn tóufa) which means "I go to the hair salon to get my hair cut every month."
Another common usage is in financial contexts, where 定期 (dìngqī) can refer to a fixed-term deposit or savings account. For instance, you might say "我把钱存进定期存款账户,以便获得更高的利息" (wǒ bǎ qián cún jìn dìngqī cúnkuǎn zhànghù, yǐbiàn huòdé gèng gāo de lìxī) which means "I put my money into a fixed-term deposit account to earn higher interest."
In addition, 定期 (dìngqī) can also be used to describe regular check-ups or appointments. For example, you might say "我每年定期去医院做身体检查" (wǒ měi nián dìngqī qù yīyuàn zuò shēntǐ jiǎnchá) which means "I go to the hospital for a regular physical check-up every year."
Overall, 定期 (dìngqī) is a versatile word that can be used in various contexts to convey the idea of something happening at regular intervals or on a scheduled basis.
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