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暗恋 (ànliàn) and 心动 (xīndòng) are both related to the concept of love, but they have different meanings and connotations.
暗恋 (ànliàn) refers to the feeling of secretly loving someone, without the other person's knowledge. It can also be translated as "unrequited love" or "one-sided love". This term emphasizes the secrecy and hidden nature of the love, as the person who is experiencing it may not have the courage or opportunity to express their feelings to the other person.
On the other hand, 心动 (xīndòng) refers to the initial feeling of being attracted to someone. It can be translated as "heart fluttering" or "heart racing". This term emphasizes the physical and emotional reaction to someone, rather than the actual love itself. It can also be used to describe the feeling of being infatuated with someone.
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