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敏捷 (mǐn jié) is a word that can be used in both formal and informal contexts. It is often used to describe someone or something that is quick, agile, and nimble. It can be used to describe a person's physical or mental agility.
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1. 灵活 (líng huó) - flexible, agile, adaptable
2. 敏锐 (mǐn ruì) - sharp, keen, perceptive
3. 机敏 (jī mǐn) - quick-witted, alert, resourceful
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1. 他的身手非常敏捷,能够轻松地跳过障碍物。(Tā de shēnshǒu fēicháng mǐnjié, nénggòu qīngsōng de tiào guò zhàng'ài wù.) - His movements are very agile, he can easily jump over obstacles.
2. 这只猫非常敏捷,总是能够迅速地抓住老鼠。(Zhè zhī māo fēicháng mǐnjié, zǒng shì nénggòu xùnsù de zhuā zhù lǎoshǔ.) - This cat is very nimble, it always manages to quickly catch mice.
3. 他思维敏捷,总是能够快速地解决问题。(Tā sīwéi mǐnjié, zǒng shì nénggòu kuàisù de jiějué wèntí.) - His thinking is nimble, he can always quickly solve problems.
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